Episode 164: Building a Future-Proof Marketing Team with Lindsay Boyajian Hagan at Conductor

Lindsay Boyajian Hagan, Vice President, Marketing at Conductor, shares valuable marketing information. Particularly in the digital space, marketing has changed; planning ahead is essential for success. 

An example is SEO. In the 2000s and early 2010s, companies could show up on the first page with keywords and strategic baits. Today, the Google algorithm is much more intelligent and places the best content up top. According to Lindsay, this is vital since about 93% of searchers click on the first two links that show up.

This focus on valuable content has placed product marketing in the limelight. Product marketing is an essential component of product-led growth. It highlights and communicates what is vital to the customers and prospects. Product marketers sit at the nexus of functions, having a connection with every vital area in the business.

Lindsay shares useful leadership insights on assembling the right marketing team. She says it’s vital to get a diversity of perspectives and approaches. She also thinks the right hire is someone who is hungry and cares for their work. They also need to be humble enough to receive feedback and adjust to the team’s culture.

Business leaders looking to up their marketing game, especially in product marketing, will find Lindsay’s experience a source of inspiration. Founders looking to build a solid team will benefit from the conversation, too.

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