Episode 215: Cultivating a Culture of Continuous Improvement with Mike Smart of Egress Solutions

In today's episode, we dive deep with Michael Smart, Founder and Managing Principal of Egress Solutions, Inc., as he sheds light on accelerating growth in B2B SaaS companies. Michael brings his wealth of experience to the table, discussing the details of product management and the vital role of customer-centric approaches in today's tech-driven market.

Key Takeaways:

(01:10) Michael Smart introduces his role at Egress Solutions and their focus on mid-market B2B software companies.

(03:33) The shift from all-encompassing platforms to specialized systems that integrate into larger ecosystems.

(08:13) The emphasis on product marketing to bridge the gap between user satisfaction and organizational buy-in.
(13:38) Every aspect of a product must add value and reinforce the customer's decision, or it risks harming the vendor relationship.

(17:43) The significance of early-stage consideration of the customer experience in the product development cycle.

(22:01) The need for organizational change management and the impact of executive leadership's attitude on successful transformations.

(29:20) Embracing lifelong learning allows for continuous adaptation and correction based on life's unexpected turns and new data.

(37:57) The ongoing challenge of adapting to rapid changes in the business environment.

Resources Mentioned:

Egress Solutions

GTM Disrupted Podcast

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