Episode 32: Process and Vision in Startup Growth feat. Vincent Serpico, Founders Workshop

Listen to this episode from Leaders of B2B on Spotify. In this episode, Vincent explains how his company has been able to achieve success among a very niche group of prospects and clients. Rather than funding or resources, Founders Workshop clients all share a specific mindset.


Vincent Serpico, Founder and CEO of Founders Workshop, has over 20 years of experience as a software developer, VP of Dev, CTO, and entrepreneur. Founders Workshop creates mobile and web apps exclusively for startups and non-tech founders.

In this episode, Vincent explains how his company has been able to achieve success among a very niche group of prospects and clients. Rather than funding or resources, Founders Workshop clients all share a specific mindset. They are eager to take a process-oriented approach to app development.

Vincent also shares the sales process Founders Workshop uses to help identify the right clients. He discusses the challenges of turning down clients that are a poor fit and how Founders Workshop is tweaking its marketing strategy to focus on relationships and referrals.

Founders and business leaders will be particularly interested in Vincent’s discussion of proactively evaluating and adjusting the company’s reputation and mission. Leaders must be open to acknowledging when things are not working and work collaboratively to improve.

Connect with Vincent Serpico on LinkedIn or Twitter @SerpicoDEV and visit FoundersWorkshop.com

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Episode 33: Scaling With the Right People with Vivek Kartha of WorkSpace


Episode 31: The Reality of Impostor Syndrome and Overcoming It with Kris Kelso, Author