Episode 42: Stopping Gun Violence Through AI and Military-Grade Work Habits with Mike Lahiff of ZeroEyes

Listen to this episode from Leaders of B2B on Spotify. His company uses existing security camera infrastructure coupled with AI to flag potential shooters and the weapons they are carrying.


Mike Lahiff, CEO of ZeroEyes, is out to make a huge difference by using Artificial Intelligence and technology throughout his company. A veteran of the Armed Forces as a Navy SEAL, he has taken the initiative to find a way to stop the increasing amount of gun violence and active shooting incidents. 

His company uses existing security camera infrastructure coupled with AI to flag potential shooters and the weapons they are carrying. This smart solution can dispatch emergency services and the police, providing them with vital information that literally saves lives.

This key step in using AI and data points is an example that modern technology is there to make lives better—and even save them. The journey to building a final product, though, was not an easy one. In fact, Lahiff admits that getting the startup and product up and running was even harder than being in combat.

Find out how Lahiff pulled off a revolutionary company with a life-saving product by listening to this podcast.

  • zeroeyes.com

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