Episode 169: Achieving Success in Sales by Focusing on Being Human with Andy Paul, Author of "Sell Without Selling Out"

On today’s podcast, we have Andy Paul, author of Sell Without Selling Out. Andy is an experienced sales coach, mentor, podcast host, and accomplished author. He shares valuable insight on sales and discusses:

  • How selling out uses persuasion to close a sale without understanding the buyer’s concern.

  • The importance of focusing on selling at the human level, through connection, curiosity, understanding, and generosity with your prospect.

  • Gaining the trust of your potential customers by understanding their business and their concerns, and truly helping them with a solution.

  • As products and services become more equal, the experience with the seller will be the key differentiator for customers.

  • Buyers are constrained by time, information, and understanding. The seller who targets these will have more success in closing sales.

  • Achieving product-market fit and selling at a human level are the two key ingredients to a successful selling strategy.

Business leaders looking to boost their sales capabilities will find Andy’s perspectives enlightening. Following his approach can lead to exponential revenue growth for your company. 

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Episode 168: Optimizing Your Sales Team's Time and Making Them More Effective with Mike O'Kelly at Rithm AI