Jake Jorgovan Jake Jorgovan

Episode 23: On Being Customer-Centric and Workflow Focused with Derek Gerber of Explainify

On this episode of Leaders of B2B, Ledge interviews the VP of Explainify, Derek Gerber.

Derek entertains and teaches us through his illustrious background. He began his career as a golf picker on a golf range. Golf balls were being hit at him at 5:30 a.m. every morning for a year.

Derek’s love for computers and software stuck with him. Naturally, he began working in sales, marketing, and accounting within the technology space.

Explainify is now able to produce videos in a few weeks that used to take nine months just five years ago.

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Jake Jorgovan Jake Jorgovan

Episode 22: DNA Computing Capabilities with Dave Turek of CATALOG

Dave Turek, CTO of CATALOG, joins the show to stretch the mind’s understanding of DNA applications.

CATALOG is pioneering the way forward in researching practical applications of DNA. Think in the realm of applying DNA to computing and storage.

Dave worked a multi-decade career with IBM, developing and looking at emerging technologies. He highlights how you work on a tech piece for years and years, like tape or vacuum tubes. Then one year, that same piece of tech has become irrelevant. Naturally, his career has progressed into biological technology.

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Jake Jorgovan Jake Jorgovan

Episode 21: Resiliency and Flexibility as a Marketer with Chantelle Marcelle

Every business values its brand and the market it caters to which ultimately converts to sales and revenue. This transforms into business growth and success.

These metrics and end-goals remain top of mind for people in marketing. A career that many desire to engage in and encounter their fair share of success. In today’s show, we speak with Chantelle Marcelle, the Senior Marketing Manager of Herrmann.

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Jake Jorgovan Jake Jorgovan

Episode 20: Founding on shared philosophies with Di Di Chan of FutureProof Retail

Multiple factors contribute to the success of a company. You need a revolutionary idea, the right team and available funds, but sometimes these aren’t enough.

The right go-to-market strategy is also required and for that, you need perfect timing to get out there.

In the case of Di Di Chan and FutureProof Retail, the first run of their innovative touch-free technology in brick and mortar retail stores was met by factors that cooled what could’ve been a red-hot launch.

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Jake Jorgovan Jake Jorgovan

Episode 13: The 3 roles of a CEO with Nicolas Vandenberghe

Today’s episode takes a look at a business leader who is passionately driven about starting up, perfecting his product, driving growth, and doing this again until perfection is reached.

Nicolas Vanderberghe, CEO and co-founder of automated meeting scheduler and boon to sales people the world over, Chili Piper imparts some key learnings for the CEO and entrepreneur. He talks in detail about how he grew Chili Piper and how he is applying a refined and perfected formula to his newer company, KosmoTime.

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Jake Jorgovan Jake Jorgovan

Episode 11: Rethinking the legal industry with Raj Goyle of Bodhala

Raj Goyle, CEO of Bodhala has taken on the Herculean task of using technology and data to the conservative and deliberate legal industry with the hope of reducing legal fees for everyone. We talk about Bodhala, what inspired him to start this up, and what challenges await him.

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Jake Jorgovan Jake Jorgovan

Episode 10: Impacting climate change through technology with Michael Jansen

Remember when you played those city building games back in the day and wished your city would come to life? Well, Michael Jansen of Cityzenith has led a team that has turned that into reality. They’ve developed and designed cutting-edge technologies that allow the astonishingly accurate simulation of design and construction from houses, buildings, and to entire cities.

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Jake Jorgovan Jake Jorgovan

Episode 8: Kirk Harnack

In this episode, our host Jake Jorgovan, speaks with Kirk Harnack, Director of Multimedia Marketing at The Telos Alliance. Telos is a company that manufactures and distributes broadcast equipment used in television and radio stations. In this episode, Kirk shares how he went about marketing these B2B products in an innovative way.

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